
Thursday, September 24, 2020

The spring, summer and now fall with Covid 19

 Greetings from Hoodsport,

With out a doubt the biggest story and impact on us is dealing with a new virus transported into the US from China. I’m not going to get into too much detail but this virus has forced everyone to stay close to home, wear masks and sanitize everything. It also forced all the trips we had scheduled to be cancelled. Chris and I had a trip planned to Scotland, she had another trip planned this fall to Greece with Carole and it appears that her planned trip to Australia next spring will also be cancelled.

Murphy and Riley are now buddies. Murphy like most puppies has provided quite a challenge, chewing up our bushes and tearing into the yard. Overall he is a good dog and a welcomed member of our family.

One of the highlights of the summer was adding an outdoor kitchen.

We have already had a lot of fun cooking outdoors both Matt and Jacob have taken turns with the BBQ & Komodo. Speaking of Jake, we had Jake, Em and Grace over for the 4th of July and had a blast (literally)!

Not being able to travel has forced us (me) to focus on the yard and I’m pleased with how things look. We still have two large projects left, hopefully, the house will get painted next week and then in a few weeks after that, our roof will get some attention.

Ben and Matt came over a couple of times and while it’s a little different this year to have guests, we had a good time and as always treated to the best food. Ben was commissioned to create a painting by a sister of one of his good friends, she is moving into a new house and this painting will certainly be a focal point. I have a picture of the painting but can’t pull it up.

I played plenty of golf, my game could be better. It was a slow start to good weather here in Hoodsport but he summer was dry and warm.

Well its time to begin planning for Borrego. Before leaving Borrego in the spring, we began to start remodeling the kitchen in our little place. My friend Jeff Johnson volunteered to take charge, unfortunately when the Covid struck, Jeff had to pull back from the project due to his pre-existing condition that made him vulnerable to Covid. Thank god for Merle, he jumped in and we got half of the kitchen finished. Jeff has called me a couple of times this summer and he’s ready to start again this fall. It may all culminate with a new floor as well since the new cabinets don’t cover all of the existing flooring and Murphy managed to eat a couple of sections of the exposed floor. 

I’ll post another update sometime from Borrego.

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